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Canine Chronicles

How to Create a Pet-Friendly Home: A Guide for New Dog Owners

by YORKIT INSIDER 17 Jun 2023
How to Create a Pet-Friendly Home: A Guide for New Dog Owners

Bringing home a new dog is an exciting and joyous occasion. The wagging tail, the loving eyes, and the playful barks can make any house feel like a home. But just as you would baby-proof a house for a toddler, it's equally essential to make your home dog-friendly to ensure the safety and comfort of your new furry friend. This guide will walk you through the steps to create a pet-friendly environment for your new dog.

1. Clear the Floors

Puppies, much like infants, are curious by nature and will explore their surroundings by sniffing, licking, and chewing. Anything left on the floor, including shoes, children's toys, and small decor items, can pose a choking hazard. Secure all small objects, and maintain a clean and tidy floor to prevent any accidents.

2. Secure Electrical Cords and Outlets

Electrical cords can be an attractive chew toy for a new dog. Use cord protectors or conceal cords behind furniture to prevent any potential electrical hazards. Also, consider using safety plugs on outlets that are within your dog's reach.

3. Choose Pet-Safe Houseplants

Many common houseplants, like aloe vera, lilies, and ivy, are toxic to dogs. Before bringing a new dog home, ensure that your houseplants are pet-safe. If you're unsure, the ASPCA has an extensive list of plants that are non-toxic to dogs.

4. Safeguard Your Trash

Dogs are notorious for getting into trash cans. Not only can this make a mess, but it can also be dangerous if they eat something harmful. Invest in a sturdy, dog-proof trash can, or store your trash can in a locked cabinet.

5. Use Dog-Safe Cleaning Products

Many household cleaning products contain chemicals that are harmful to dogs. Look for cleaning products that are labeled as pet-friendly. These products will be free from any toxins that could harm your new pet.

6. Create a Doggy Zone

Designate a specific area in your home where your dog can relax and feel safe. This area should include a comfortable bed, a few favorite toys, and easy access to fresh water.

7. Restrict Access as Needed

Using baby gates to restrict your dog's access to certain areas of your home, especially when you're not there to supervise, can be a good idea. This can be particularly helpful during the house-training phase.

8. Store Food and Medication Safely

Ensure that all human food and medication are stored in a place that your dog can't access. Many foods that are safe for humans, such as chocolate and grapes, are toxic to dogs. The same goes for medication.

9. Provide Plenty of Chew Toys

Offering your new dog plenty of dog-appropriate chew toys can help keep their curiosity satisfied and can deter them from chewing on furniture, shoes, and other non-dog items.

Remember, each dog is unique and will interact with their environment in their own way. Pay attention to your dog's behaviors and adjust your home as needed. With a little preparation and lots of love, your home will become the perfect haven for your new furry friend. Welcome to the wonderful journey of pet parenthood!

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